October 18, 2024

A damaged tooth, bacterial infection, or a popcorn husk lodged in your gums are just a few of the causes of a toothache. Some toothaches can be brought on by transient gum inflammation. However, severe toothaches require medical attention.



What is a toothache?

A toothache is any discomfort felt in or around your teeth. You can manage a brief gum inflammation at home to prevent minor toothaches. Cavities, infections, and other dental disorders that don’t heal on their cause more intense toothaches. You should see a dentist in person if your toothache is really bad.

When fever, chills, and severe tooth pain are present, a dental emergency is warranted. Call a dentist or make an appointment right away at the nearest emergency room. There is a unique chance that an infection in your mouth could spread to other areas of your body, including your brain and circulation.

Types of toothaches

Depending on the underlying cause, tooth pain can take many various forms. The symptoms of a toothache might vary, however, some examples include:

1. Headaches.
2. Fever.
3. Chills.
4. Bad breath or bad taste.
5. Teeth sensitivity.
6. Swelling in your gums.
7. Throbbing tooth pain.
8. Sharp, jabbing tooth pain.
9. A persistent, dull pain.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes a toothache?

Many factors can lead to toothache. The following are some potential toothache causes:

1. Cavities.
2. Cracked tooth.
3. Abscessed tooth.
4. Gum disease.
5. A broken dental crown.
6. Clenching or grinding of teeth.

How long does a toothache last?

One can never tell how long a toothache will last. The fundamental cause determines this. For example, any gum inflammation you may be experiencing should subside on its own within a day or two. However, the discomfort may come and go, but it won’t go away entirely if you have a cavity or abscess.

Management and Treatment

How do dentists treat toothaches?

A dentist will assess you and inquire about your symptoms. To check for problems under your gums, they might also conduct a dental X-ray.

There are numerous ways to treat toothaches. The appropriate choice for you is contingent upon the gravity of your circumstances.

Toothache medicine

While they temporarily alleviate dental symptoms, antibiotics and painkillers are not always effective. Antibiotics will not prevent an illness from returning; even if it does, you still need to address the underlying cause.

To lessen pain and soreness while you wait to visit your dentist, you can use over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

Dental fillings

If you have a minor cavity or a small chip in your tooth, your dentist would most likely advise getting a dental filling. Your tooth will be cleaned throughout this process, and any damaged areas will be filled up with a durable dental filling material.

Dental crowns

An extensive cavity or break can necessitate a dental crown. Your entire tooth is covered by this teeth-shaped “cap,” which strengthens it and lowers the possibility of more injury.

Inlays or onlays

A cavity or fracture may occasionally be too large for a filling but not big enough to require a crown. In certain cases, an onlay or inlay recommendation from your dentist may apply. This kind of ceramic restoration is made to fit into your teeth precisely like a small puzzle piece.

Root canal therapy

You will require a root canal if bacteria from a cavity or crack infiltrate your tooth pulp. During this process, inflammatory connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves inside your tooth are removed. Your dentist will then clean the interior surfaces of your teeth and apply a filling substance to the pulp chamber and root canals. Most of the time, a crown is also required to strengthen and preserve your teeth.

Tooth extraction

When possible, most dentists would rather preserve natural teeth. However, this isn’t always feasible. You might require a tooth extraction if the damage to your tooth is severe. Your dentist will carefully extract your tooth from its socket and remove any infection during this process.

Consult your dentist about replacement possibilities if you require tooth extractions. They can replace it with a dental bridge or dental implant when your extraction has healed. In addition, they can provide you with a bridge to hold you over until your permanent replacement is placed.

Are there home remedies for toothaches?

Some minor toothache relief might be obtained using home treatments. However, you’ll need to see a dentist for treatment if your tooth discomfort is persistent.

There are a few at-home toothache cures you can try if your pain is moderate:

Saltwater rinse

A natural disinfectant is salt. Rinsing with warm salt water can help relieve toothache pain, heal oral wounds, and reduce inflammation. In 8 ounces of warm water, stir in half a teaspoon of salt. After 30 seconds of swishing, spit it out.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

Hydrogen peroxide rinses can also reduce inflammation and dental pain. Gum bleeding is also helped by it. This could be a worthwhile step to take if you have a history of gum disease.

It is never a good idea to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure you dilute it with the same amount of water. Swish it about and then spit it into the sink. Avoid swallowing.

Ice packs

Ice helps constrict blood vessels in the injured area and lessens discomfort and inflammation. You can place a clean towel over a bag of ice or frozen vegetables, and press it against your outside jaw for roughly 20 minutes. Several times a day, repeat.

Can I prevent toothaches?

Toothaches are not always preventable. They can occasionally happen for causes beyond your control.

You can, however, take the following actions to reduce your risk:

1. Brush your teeth two or three times a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
2. Floss in between your teeth once a day.
3. Twice daily, use an antimicrobial mouthwash.
4. Eat and drink less sugar-filled meals and beverages.
5. See your dentist regularly for cleanings and exams.
6. Inquire with your dentist about fluoride treatments and sealants.

Living With
When should I see a dentist?

Give a dentist a call as soon as you experience:

1. A toothache that is more than two days in duration.
2. Enlargement of the jaw or face.
3. Pain when you open your mouth wide.

When is the right time to visit the ER for a toothache?

Visit your nearby emergency department if you have:

1. A knot in your jaw or swelling beneath your eye.
2. Severe dental pain that is not relieved by medicine.
3. Bleeding that does not stop when pressure is applied.
4. Fever above 101 degrees Celsius (38.33 degrees Fahrenheit).

Additional Common Questions
Can a toothache go away on its own?

In certain cases, tooth discomfort may go away on its own. For instance, soreness from biting into something hard that irritates your gums will probably go away in a day or two. However, a real toothache, or pain that comes from the tooth itself, usually indicates a medical problem that needs to be addressed.

You should visit a dentist right away if you get a toothache, regardless of how long it lasts. Early intervention can prevent the problem from growing worse or from hurting more.

What type of toothache can you know you have?

In a nutshell, you won’t know for sure unless you visit a dentist. However, in general:

1. You may have an infected tooth if you experience a dull, ongoing toothache. It might also indicate that you grind your teeth at night.
2. A sudden, severe pain could indicate a cavity or crack in your teeth. It can occasionally indicate a problem with a crown or filling that already exists.
3. A severe, throbbing ache could indicate that the pulp of your tooth is infected.
4. Sensitivity to temperature changes could be a sign of gum disease, cavities, or cracks. If the pain subsides soon, enamel wear may have occurred.

A note from Blogjug

A toothache can range in severity from a little annoyance to something that interferes with day-to-day activities. One indication that something isn’t quite right is toothache. Make an appointment with a dentist if your toothache doesn’t go away after a day or two. They can identify the root of the problem and suggest a course of action to relieve dental discomfort.

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