July 27, 2024
fertility treatment

Infertility is most of the concerning problem in 2024 but luckily there are several treatment options which can help you overcome this. IUI is one of the fertility treatments you can rely on. Moreover, it is one of the most well-known and successful fertility treatments. If you are a couple and struggling with infertility issues then you can visit Dr. Ram Prakash’s IUI centre in Noida. But before that, you have to learn more about IUI and the steps followed during this process. 

A Step-By-Step Procedure To How This Fertility Treatment Works

Step 1: Control The Excessive Stimulation Of The Ovaries (The Coh)

The most common method that involves preventing gonad secretion of hormones to postpone premature ovulation with a GnRH is the Antagonist procedure. After optimal suppression, the next phase involves acquiring several hair follicles through daily gonadotropin injections. Reached. Hormone evaluations and ultrasound images monitor the follicle development. HCG treatment at the IUI centre in Noida accomplishes the final phase of maturation of eggs after the lead follicles develop to the appropriate size. The moment of obtaining the eggs was set between 34 and 36 hours after the hormone HCG injection.

Step 2: Retrieval of Eggs 

The retrieval of eggs occurs under intramuscular relaxation in a surgical suite. A needle is used to remove the ovarian follicles under the supervision of a transvaginal ultrasound. The embryologist looks for follicular fluids to find every viable egg. Until insemination, the fertilized eggs are grown in an incubator via a particular medium.

Step 3: Incubation and Growth of Embryos

If the parameters of sperm are abnormal, mature eggs may be fertilized with the IUI method. The procedure takes place under a practical microscope. Using a tiny glass microneedle, the embryologist extracts a single sperm cell and inserts it directly into the egg cells. 

In the instance that the sperm sample shows low motility or poor progression, IUI improves the chances of fertilization. In the case that the ejaculate includes no sperm, a surgical procedure may be used to harvest sperm. If the sperm is surgically taken out, IUI is always used to achieve the fertilization process.

Evaluation of fertilization happens 16–18 hours after IUI or fertilization. The fertilized eggs, known as zygotes, are grown in an incubator explicitly created to foster their growth. A sufficient number of embryos that show good development and growth may be selected to develop in a customized culture medium to the stage known as blastocyst. 

Step 4: Quality of the Embryo 

The quality of the embryo is affected by some factors. This factor is particularly crucial when trying to decide which embryos to transfer. The embryologist evaluates and takes images of the embryos before the day of your transfer. According to the rate of growth and appearance of the embryos, an embryologist and the medical professional will decide which and how many embryos should be considered for transfer.

Usually, embryos are transferred on either day three after egg retrieval, referred to as the cleavage stage, or on day 5, the blastocyst stage. A system of grades is used to determine the quality of the embryos in the laboratory. Known as cleavage stage embryos, day three embryos have four to eight cells. 

While cells divide differently, the process known as fragmentation takes place, generating cell-like structures that compress the embryo. While some separation is acceptable, none is preferred. The embryos are separated in our lab into levels 1 through 4. Grade 1 eggs are the most outstanding caliber available. 

Blastocyst embryos are embryos that are five days old. The embryos have become even more developed and more significant than before. They look like balls filled with fluid cells. The standard of the embryo increases in expansion. Additionally, these embryos are categorized at the IUI centre in Noida using a scale of one to six. Grade 6 blastocysts are the highest quality accessible.

Suggest to read:- Common Fertility Issues and How to Deal with Them?

Step 5: Transfer of the Embryo 

Embryos are transferred on either day 5, in the blastocyst stage, or day 3, at the cleavage stage (6–8 cells). The embryo transfer process is a straightforward operation that does not require anaesthesia. Under ultrasound supervision, embryos are placed into a soft catheter and inserted through the cervix to the cavity of the uterus. 

Why is Embryologists the best IUI centre in Noida? 

When it comes to IVF, IUI, or other artificial infertility treatments, Ram Prakash, the renowned embryologist, comes to the help. We offer the best services, including expert consultation to determine your health level and develop an individualized treatment strategy.

We are all conscious that IVF and IUI procedures are performed in IVF laboratories, but have you ever considered who is looking to follow your priceless gametes? Embryologists carry out every procedure associated with the embryological process.

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